Qualquer pessoa pode fazer mapas mentais, conversando com GPTKI

Erstelle schnell Mindmaps aus einfachen Eingabeaufforderungen oder verschiedensten Inhalten. Steigere deine Produktivität und Kreativität.

Erstellen Sie visuelle Mindmaps aus Text in Sekunden.
Brainstorming für AI-Startup-Ideen
Planung der Abschlussarbeit für Umweltnachhaltigkeit
Erzeuge Mindmaps aus einfachen Eingabeaufforderungen
Von KI erstellte Mindmaps
Alles zu Mindmaps
Verwandle sofort jeglichen Inhalt in klare, strukturierte Mindmaps
Hochladen zum Umwandeln
Verwandle überwältigende Inhalte in klare Zusammenfassungen

Kooperiere mit KI für gesteigerte Kreativität und Denkvermögen

Integrierte KI-Vorlagen
Beschleunige deine Ideen mit Leichtigkeit
Verbessere dein Mindmapping mit aufgaben-spezifischen KI-Vorlagen, die darauf ausgelegt sind, deinen Ideenvisualisierungs- und Verfeinerungsprozess zu optimieren.
Chat-basiertes Mind-Mapping
Befähigung mit Echtzeitdaten
Nutze den Webzugang, um Gespräche mit den aktuellsten Informationen anzureichern und somit deine Mindmap zu verbessern.
Als Folien präsentieren
Einklick-Übergang von Mindmap zu Folien
Mindmaps mühelos in Slides umwandeln für klare und eindrucksvolle Präsentationen.
Automatisches Speichern, jederzeit Zugriff von jedem Gerät.
Wechseln Sie problemlos zwischen den GPT-3.5- und GPT-4-Modellen.
Exportiere Mindmaps mühelos in verschiedenen Formaten zum Teilen.
Flexible Notizen, ideal um längere Texte oder spontane Ideen zu organisieren.
Wechseln Sie schnell und einfach mit einem Klick zwischen den Mindmap-Themes.
Wähle aus einer Reihe von fertigen Vorlagen für einen schnellen Start.


Roger Zhu
Organizer of Google Developer Group Arlington
Chatmind helps me better plan and facilitate our developer online meetup events. Using Chatmind, I was able to type a simple prompt such as "I want to host a meetup about Android mobile development" and get a detailed and organized framework to help me generate discussion topics. Chatmind also provides useful tips, such as using visual aids to make the events more engaging. I would recommend Chatmind to anyone who wants to build a community!
Ernst & Young Business Consulting Manager
As we all know, the pyramid principle is an essential skill for consulting. Chatmind can help a new consultant to better structure their thinking and improve their logical expression ability. Moreover, chatmind can help quickly summarize divergent questions raised by customers. What a good product!
University of Virginia Graduate Consulting Club
PhD students pursuing consulting career
Chatmind is a great AI tool for generating MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) frameworks. While the generated framework is over the top, it provides invaluable insights and feedback to users, especially when compared with their own frameworks.
Prof. Cesar Barroso
Youtuber, Professor
é muito bom e excelente para esquematizar meus conteúdos
Attorney in cross-border transactions
Before discovering Chatmind, the myriad benefits of mind mapping were like uncharted territories to me. With its intuitive interface and innovative features, Chatmind has transformed the daunting task of organizing intricate thought processes into an art form.
Dave Koshinz
I'm enjoying Chatmind and find it to be a helpful product.
Roger Zhu
Organizer of Google Developer Group Arlington
Chatmind helps me better plan and facilitate our developer online meetup events. Using Chatmind, I was able to type a simple prompt such as "I want to host a meetup about Android mobile development" and get a detailed and organized framework to help me generate discussion topics. Chatmind also provides useful tips, such as using visual aids to make the events more engaging. I would recommend Chatmind to anyone who wants to build a community!
Ernst & Young Business Consulting Manager
As we all know, the pyramid principle is an essential skill for consulting. Chatmind can help a new consultant to better structure their thinking and improve their logical expression ability. Moreover, chatmind can help quickly summarize divergent questions raised by customers. What a good product!
University of Virginia Graduate Consulting Club
PhD students pursuing consulting career
Chatmind is a great AI tool for generating MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) frameworks. While the generated framework is over the top, it provides invaluable insights and feedback to users, especially when compared with their own frameworks.
Prof. Cesar Barroso
Youtuber, Professor
é muito bom e excelente para esquematizar meus conteúdos
Attorney in cross-border transactions
Before discovering Chatmind, the myriad benefits of mind mapping were like uncharted territories to me. With its intuitive interface and innovative features, Chatmind has transformed the daunting task of organizing intricate thought processes into an art form.
Dave Koshinz
I'm enjoying Chatmind and find it to be a helpful product.
Roger Zhu
Organizer of Google Developer Group Arlington
Chatmind helps me better plan and facilitate our developer online meetup events. Using Chatmind, I was able to type a simple prompt such as "I want to host a meetup about Android mobile development" and get a detailed and organized framework to help me generate discussion topics. Chatmind also provides useful tips, such as using visual aids to make the events more engaging. I would recommend Chatmind to anyone who wants to build a community!
Ernst & Young Business Consulting Manager
As we all know, the pyramid principle is an essential skill for consulting. Chatmind can help a new consultant to better structure their thinking and improve their logical expression ability. Moreover, chatmind can help quickly summarize divergent questions raised by customers. What a good product!
University of Virginia Graduate Consulting Club
PhD students pursuing consulting career
Chatmind is a great AI tool for generating MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) frameworks. While the generated framework is over the top, it provides invaluable insights and feedback to users, especially when compared with their own frameworks.
Prof. Cesar Barroso
Youtuber, Professor
é muito bom e excelente para esquematizar meus conteúdos
Attorney in cross-border transactions
Before discovering Chatmind, the myriad benefits of mind mapping were like uncharted territories to me. With its intuitive interface and innovative features, Chatmind has transformed the daunting task of organizing intricate thought processes into an art form.
Dave Koshinz
I'm enjoying Chatmind and find it to be a helpful product.